Perl Programming


Perl Disgraced


I had some time this afternoon to do some programming as I whisked myself from Uni to the city to see the new Mac Books (a bit dissapointing, frankly!). I was perling for a few hours and my little application grew to only a modest size before the program became unmanageable.

It should have been easy!

Anyway I'm realising now that I could have done in whole what I only got perhaps 1/4 of the way to doing with

rails noodleTimer

and then a few mySQL table set ups and then I would have been done with it. UI, model. A few scraps of logic in the controller and I would have had a working web app.

Ahh but it's all a learning process.

Now that the last line of assessed perl has been /submit'ed in, I might resolve now to put it aside and move onto better things.

ruby? PHP? Ruby.

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